I’m Back

thumbnail_85e9e794-0e59-4276-ad93-d33c3b7a4d60A while ago, I had to go on an unexpected unannounced hiatus. Nothing big or shocking happened, it was just that a lot of things creeped up on me at once and things got extremely busy, so I didn’t have much time to blog. Thankfully things have calmed down a little now and I’m back. It feels so good to be blogging again, it felt like I lost a limb while on hiatus. Not creating blog posts or not having time to read others’ blogs, was so incredibly dull. It really is great to be blogging again.

So, what did I get up to while in hiding?

Well, I’ve got a little bit of news to share with you all. The Collab comic strip project I was doing with Anjani, is being posted over on MangaToon. So, I’ve been spending a lot of my art/drawing time working on it (which is so much fun). I really love making comics, even though my drawing skills still need a lot of improvement. Drawing really exaggerated faces is a hell of a lot of fun and can be very amusing at times. (If you have the MangaToon app and/or would like to check the comic out, it’s called Finding my own way.)

As well as the comic, I’ve been practicing more traditional art (and doodling a lot). I’ll include a few of the better things I’ve created to give you an idea of what I’ve been up to. Lately the doodling habit has reached a new level, I pretty much doodle on any piece of paper I get my hands on, which lead this creation.

thumbnail_img_20190502_170206_076.jpgIt started off as just a little doodle on the page, but I went doodle mad and got a little carried away. Before realising it, the page was completely covered in doodles. But in saying that, I like this big doodle.

I’ve also been messing experimenting with paint and trying out different techniques, so have created quite a few experimental and abstract pieces. I’ll show you a few examples of these pieces because there’s too many to put in one post.


I gave him K-pop hair (those drops are red paint, in case you were getting scared)


Abstract is actually kind of hard

Lastly soft pastels, I’ve finally worked out how to use them without nearly dying from breathing in the dust. So, I’ve been working hard to try to master soft pastels and after quite a few fails, eventually created something worth sharing.

thumbnail_20190425_181720So that us all caught up art wise, hope you enjoyed this little art update. I have a movie related post planned so hopefully that will be up soon too.

Glad to be back and as always thanks for reading!

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